英:[drɑ:ft] 美:[dræft]
英: 美:
vt.起草, 征兵, 选秀
n.草稿, 草图, 汇票, 征兵
动词过去式: drafted |动词第三人称单数: drafts |动词过去分词: drafted |动词现在分词: drafting |
1 、I would like to buy a bank draft.───我想买一张银行汇票。
2 、You just go ahead and work out a draft plan.───你先着手草拟一个计划。
3 、Don't let outthe details of our draft plan.───不要把我们计划草案的细节泄露出去。
4 、She sat at her typewriter all night tooling up the final draft.───她整夜坐在打字机帝,校订成稿。
5 、He drew a draft of the car.───他画了一张汽车的草图。
6 、He emptied the glass at on draft.───他一口气喝完了那一大杯。
7 、Draft peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.───1994年的今天,以色列和约旦间起草和平条约。
8 、High total draft up to draw frame.───并条机总牵伸倍数高。
9 、He batted out on the type-writer the first draft of the document.───他匆匆地在打字机上拟出这个文件的初稿。
10 、BR>Our draft No.36 was dishonoured.───我们的第三十六号汇票被拒付了。
11 、BR>Your draft will be honoured on presentation.───你方的汇票见票即付。
12 、The assembly was mandated to draft a constitution.───大会被授权起草一份章程。
13 、Payment will be made by paying your sight draft under our irrevocable letter of credit.───我们的付款方式,是以不可撤消信用状见票即付汇票支付。
14 、Let's go over the draft once again.───咱们把这篇稿子再过一遍。
15 、I had to draft a cable home.───我得写一份发往家里的电报稿。
16 、I've made a first draft of my speech for Friday.───我已经为星期五要作的演讲写了一份草稿。
17 、They began to draft legislation.───他们开始起草法规。
18 、He's now revising the first draft of his essay.───他目前正修改他的文章初稿。
19 、First draft, second draft, third, fourth, and fifth.─── 初稿 二稿 三 四 还有五稿
20 、He was jailed for doctoring his draft card.───他因擅改征召令而被捕入狱。
21 、Once I gave Jobert a draft I was at their mercy.───一旦我把草稿给了乔伯特,我就要受他的摆布。
22 、To enroll compulsorily into service; draft.───征兵被强迫征募服役; 征兵
23 、I've made a rough draft of the letter.───我已经写好这封信的草稿。
24 、I'm perfectly satisfy with the rest of the draft.───我对草案的其它部分非常满意。
25 、Usually we ask for a draft in duplicate.───我们通常要求草图一式两份。
26 、He makes a rough draft of the new design.───他画了一个新设计的草稿。
27 、They were unwilling to register for the draft.───他们不愿意登记入伍。
28 、L/c is payable against your draft.───信用证凭汇票付款。
29 、They made out a draft of the opening address.───他们起草了一份开幕词。
30 、Draft or no draft, you've got a perfectly fine little dingle.─── 透不透风 你都有一个完美的小丁丁
31 、He has drawn up the design draft.───他拟订了设计草图。
32 、How to Draft an Agency or Distributor Agreement?───如何起草**或经销协议?
33 、Ought I to make some change on the draft?───我应该对草稿作一些修改吗?
34 、He also noted the regulation was only a draft.───他还指出,调控还只是一个草案。
35 、Too high a tension draft and stretching of web.───张力牵伸和棉网伸长太高。
36 、To dodge the draft, he tried bribery.───为逃避兵役,他施行贿赂。
37 、Enclosed is a sight draft for£26.10.5 on Messrs. Robert& Sons, which clears off our indebtedness to you.───兹同函奉上以Robert父子公司为付款人,面额26。15英镑的即期汇票一张,用以清偿所欠贵方债务。
38 、He has written out a first draft.───他已写出了初稿。
39 、To drink in one draft by suddenly tilting.───干杯突然斜杯子,一口气喝下去
40 、That same someone is drafting off our investigation.─── 也正是这个人 将我们的调查引入歧途
41 、What 时 awaits draft fruit best?───什麽时候吃水果最好?
42 、I like beer, too. but I only like draft beer.───我也喜欢啤酒,但我只喜欢生啤酒。
43 、Can you draft out a plan for us?───你能为我们草拟一个计划吗?
44 、So, I don't expect you to believe that yet, you believe you're drafting me into your cause, but truth is, I'm drafting you into mine.─── 所以 我不指望你相信我 你觉得是你把我牵扯了进来 但... 实际上 是我把你扯了进来
45 、The draft lottery, a live report on tonight's picking of the birthdays for the draft.─── 今晚我们将现场直播 征兵抽生日签的全过程
46 、I only submit a skeleton draft .───我只是交了提纲。
47 、I have gone over the draft of the resolution.───决议草稿看了一遍。
48 、Because I actually did the work, draft by draft and I have records.─── 因为书是我写的 一稿又一稿 而且我有记录
49 、He submitted constructive amendments to the draft resolution.───他对决议草案提出建议性的修改意见。
50 、Once we come up with our idea, we're gonna have to do an outline, first draft, second draft, and then we should be done in six months.─── 一旦有了创意之后 我们要先列一个提纲 然后初稿 第二稿 我们应该半年内可以完工
51 、I'll have my lawyer draft an agreement.─── 我會讓我的律師起草協議的
52 、How much do you charge for buying a demand draft?───一张即期汇票的收费是多少?
53 、A pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a yoke.───同轭车的动物通过轭连在一起的一对载物动物,如公牛
54 、DON BRADLEY: Jenny, could you make a draft of that?───堂.布拉德利:詹妮,你能草拟以下这篇文字吗?
55 、What kind of draft beer do you have?───你喝哪种扎啤?
56 、He was chosen as the th pick in the annual draft of the NBA.───他在NBA年度选秀中是第36位入选者。
57 、They honoured the last sight draft.───他们承兑最近这张即期支票。
58 、Kindly protect the draft upon presentation.───在汇票提示时,请予以承兑。
59 、The best way to success is really through the draft, but didn't really hit on those draft picks.─── 成功的最佳途径就是通过选秀 但你们好像几个选秀签都挑得不怎么样
60 、I'll have a draft for you by the time you land.─── 您下飞机前 我会把初稿发给您
61 、I'll stay up all night to draft this story.───我准备通宵把这篇报道赶出来。
62 、Have you seen the draft of the contract?───您看过合约草案了吗?
63 、He drank the glass of wine at one draft.───他一口喝乾了那杯酒。
64 、Usance draft(s) to be negotiated at sight basis.───可即期议付的远期汇票。
65 、Payment must be made by bank draft.───必须以银行汇票的方式付款。
66 、You'd better work out a draft first.───你最好先打个草稿。
67 、He had a draft worked out in his mind.───他已经有了腹稿。
68 、The buyer will pay the price by sight draft.───买方将用即期汇票付款。
69 、ANDY Do we have to have our own draft plan by then?───我们要有自己的草图?
70 、You should write it out in rough draft first.───你应先打一个草稿。
71 、I suggest that a draft be made of the proposed agreement.───我建议,就提出的协议拟定一个草案。
72 、Why am I feeling a cold draft from my fireplace?───为什么我会感到有冷气从壁炉中流出。
73 、Would you like me to draft the report?───你要我起草这个报告吗?
74 、When can we have the draft contract?───我们什么时候可以拿到合同草案?
75 、Close the door and shut out that draft!───关上门把那股风挡住!
76 、We'll be unable to meet these draft.───咱们无力兑付这些汇票。
77 、Shall we draw up a draft of the contract?───我们要不要草拟一份合同草案?
78 、We can't accept a payment by time draft.───我们不能接受远期汇票这种支付方式。
79 、Of course, we want the draft to be good.───当然,需要一个好的稿子。
80 、Draft framework is presented to SMM for comments.───向高级职员会议提交草拟框架,徵询意见。
81 、Why draft Yi when we can use the 1st pick on Oden?───为什么要选易?我们完全可以用第一的顺位选奥登!
82 、They agreed on a draft resolution.───他们商定一项决议草案。
83 、Kindly forward these by fast freight. enclosed please find a draft as per memorandum bill you send us.───上述货物,请尽快发货。按照贵公司寄我司的价格单,同函寄上汇票一份,请查收。
84 、He got to bank to encash a draft.───他去银行兑现一张汇票。
85 、Asiatic buffalo often domesticated for use as a draft animal.───亚洲水牛,常蓄养作驮用。
86 、He had painfully written out a first draft.───他辛苦写出了首稿。
87 、We believe you will pay our draft on presentation.───我们相信你方在见到我方汇票时即照付。
88 、We're sending a fresh draft of nurses to the worst hit area.───我们新派遣一组护理人员开赴受灾最重的地区。
89 、Any of a breed of characteristically large, reddish-brown or chestnut-colored draft horses.───役马,拖车马一种以红棕色或栗色为特征的大型载重马
90 、Architect: one who drafts a plan of your house, and plans a draft of your money.───建筑师,是为你的房子设计打样、兼为掏你的腰包作设计的人。
draft 的定义和用法
Draft 是一个英语单词,在不同的场合下有不同的意义。一般来说,它代表未完成的草稿或者草图。比如,你可以写一篇文章的草稿,或者画一副画的草图。类似的,draft 这个词也可以用于描述正在设计或者正在制作的东西。比如,一台汽车的设计图就可以叫做 draft,或者一篇大楼的蓝图也可以叫做 draft。
draft 在不同领域的用法
Draft 不仅仅是在写作和设计领域使用,它还有很多其他的用法。比如,在体育中,draft 是指选秀。球队会从年轻的球员中选择一些人才,他们会在比赛季节前进行选秀,这个过程就叫做 draft。而在军事领域,draft 则是指征召。如果一个国家需要更多的士兵参加战斗,他们就会启动**,然后通过摇号等方式,从年轻的男子中选择士兵,这个过程也叫做 draft。
在数据科学中,draft 也有特殊的含义。数据草稿通常是指在数据分析流程中的某一阶段得到的原始数据集。它并没有经过太多处理,常常有缺失值和异常值,但是对于发现数据特点和选择分析方法有重要的意义。通过对数据的初步探索和处理,可以得到数据草稿,然后在此基础上进一步进行数据清洗、预处理、建模等过程,最终得到高质量的数据分析结果。
英 [drɑːft] 美 [dræft]
n. 汇票;草稿;选派;(尤指房间、烟囱、炉子等供暖系统中的)(小股)气流
英 [prə'pəʊz(ə)l] 美 [prə'pozl]
n. 提议,建议;求婚