英:[rɪˈlɪdʒən] 美:[rɪˈlɪdʒən]
英: 美:
n.宗教, 宗教信仰
1 、A fusion of religion and politics emerged.───出现了政教合一的局面
2 、He holds strange view on religion .───他对宗教持有奇怪的看法。
3 、Still water and still religion freeze the quickest.───一潭死水和死寂的宗教冰冻得最快。
4 、She never took the veil, but lived and died in severe seclusion, and in the practice of the Roman Catholic religion.───她从未出家当修女,可直到去世始终过着严格的隐居生活,奉行着罗马天主教的习惯。
5 、At the end of the day one must decide for oneself about religion.───一切都安顿好了,人们就得考虑宗教的事了。
6 、They were prevented from practising their religion.───他们受到阻挠,不能照常进行他们的宗教活动。
7 、But the human heart needs religion.───但人心是需要宗教的。
8 、Incompatible views on religion.───在宗教问题上无法达成共识的观点
9 、For years Mr Brown studied many forms of religion, reaching after the truth.───多年来布朗先生研读了多种形式的宗教,来探求真理。
10 、They bore their religion arrogantly.───她们因她们所信仰的宗教而妄自尊大。
11 、She has lost her belief in religion.───她已不信仰宗教了。
12 、What religion focuses on gentleness?───哪个宗教的重点是温柔呢?
13 、Religion has been an influence for good in her life.───宗教信仰一直引导她向善。
14 、She objects to the ritual of organized religion.───她反对规范的宗教仪规。
15 、All his religion was sheer hypocrisy.───他的宗教信仰纯粹是虚假的。
16 、Do you conform to your state's official religion?───你是否信从你们的国教?
17 、Don't joke with them about religion.───可别在宗教上跟他们开玩笑。
18 、He's given up photography now, and he's into religion and modern music.───他已放弃了摄影,现在他对宗教和现化音乐感兴趣。
19 、The Rhetoric of Religion: A new field of research?───威格兹一个新的研究领域吗?
20 、Do you still practise your religion?───你还奉行你的宗教信仰吗?
21 、In the Hindu religion, cows are considered scared.───印度教视母牛为圣物。
22 、The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality.───会社,团体由于职业、宗教或民族的原因而共享相似利益、理想或经历
23 、Religion predominated in the house.───在这所宅地里,宗教居于统治地位。
24 、The Christian religion, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus.───基督教基督教,建立在耶稣的生活和教诲上
25 、You mustn't joke with the old man about religion.───你对那老人可不能开有关宗教的玩笑。
26 、He committed blasphemy against religion.───他犯了对宗教的亵渎罪。
27 、She believes in Buddhism religion.───她信仰佛教。
28 、His remarks show impiety to religion.───他的话表现出对宗教的不敬。
29 、He that is of all rebigion is of no religion.───什么宗教都信,就等于什么都不信。
30 、She simply observes the outward forms of religion.───她只是表面上信教而已。
31 、Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India.───佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。
32 、Religion provides many people with guidance.───宗教为很多人起到引导的作用。
33 、He was a Catholic but didn't practice his religion.───他那时是天主教徒,但并不实践信仰。
34 、He deceived them under the cloak of religion.───他打着宗教的幌子欺骗他们。
35 、And I think if the religion of the bomber is important, then so's the religion of the guy who saved everyone's life.─── 我认为 如果说爆炸者的宗教信仰很重要 那么救了大家性命的人的宗教信仰同样重要
36 、Would Religion Die Out by ltself?───宗教会自行消亡吗?
37 、Is Islam a peace-loving Religion?───伊斯兰是爱好和平的宗教吗?
38 、He is a man without religion.───他是个没有宗教信仰的人。
39 、He holds strange views on religion.───他对宗教问题持有奇怪的看法。
40 、Philosophy became divorced from religion.───哲学从宗教中分离出来。
41 、Indeed he was a patron of culture religion.───事实上他是文化和宗教的庇护者。
42 、But not for the killings, for the religion.─── 但不是关注这些杀戮 而是关注这个宗教
43 、So now you want to get religion. It's not time for religion.─── 你现在要讲道德了 现在不是时候
44 、People say I'm immoral, but hey I do religion.───人家说我不道德,但我还是有信仰的。
45 、And then there's religion. I tell you, they're drunk with religion.─── 跟你说 还有宗教 狂热地受到信奉
46 、People have the freedom of religion.───人们有宗教自由。
47 、She has very narrow ideas about religion.───她对宗教的见解很狭隘。
48 、How do philosophy and religion link up?───哲学和宗教怎么联系起来?
49 、As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion.───作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。
50 、Is religion always a force for good?───宗教一向是诲人从善的力量吗?
51 、Adherence to the religion and beliefs of a Protestant church.───奉行新教教义遵守新教教会的宗教和信仰
52 、He makes a religion of doing physical exercises.───他把体育锻炼当作生活中不可缺少的事。
53 、He was a Catholic but didn't practise (his religion).───他那时是天主教徒,但并不实践信仰。
54 、Work is my religion, and it should be yours, too.─── 工作就是我的信仰 也应该是你的
55 、I'm talking about all organized religion exclusive groups created to manage control, a dealer getting people hooked on the drug of hope, his followers nothing but addicts who want their hit of bullshit to keep their their dopamine of ignorance, addicts afraid to believe the truth that there is no order, there's no power, that all religions are just metastasizing mind worms meant to divide us so it's easier to rule us by the charlatans that want to run us.─── 我指是的所有有组织宗教 排外团体 为实施控制而诞生 是让人们对希望上瘾的毒贩 其追随者不过是瘾君子 只求吸一口胡扯 好保持他们无知的多巴胺 不敢相信真相的上瘾者 真相就是根本没有秩序 没有神力 所有宗教都不过是转移的大脑蠕虫 旨在*我们 以便那些想 掌控我们的骗子统治我们
56 、His religion teaching is love all men.───他宣扬的宗教教义要旨是爱天下人。
57 、Religious freedom Religion and Morality?───宗教不自由?
58 、The Muslim religion was founded by Mohammed.───伊斯兰教是默罕默德创始的。
59 、Indifferent to religion; irreligious.───不信教的对于宗教漠不关心的;不信宗教的
60 、She specializes in Asian religion.───她擅长于亚洲的宗教。
61 、From this religion you don't believe in.─── 和一个你并不相信的宗教有关的事
62 、They advocated a complete divorce of government and religion.───他们主张政教完全分离。
63 、His religion was a mere pretence.───他信教纯属假充样子。
64 、Do most Christians practise their religion?───大部分的基督徒对他们的宗教身体力行吗?
65 、The established religion of Egypt is Islam.───埃及的国教是伊斯兰教。
66 、Religion and morality enjoin this conduct.───宗教和道德要求这种行为。
67 、An ardent or fanatical adherent of a religion.───信徒热情的或狂热的宗教追随者
68 、He embraced the Muslim religion.───他信奉伊斯兰教。
69 、He renounced his religion and became a Muslim.───他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。
70 、Religion and morality are closely linked.───宗教和道德是紧密相联的。
71 、V: Most in the foreigner believe of the religion.───大多数外国人都信仰宗教。
72 、You are not supposed to scoff at religion .───你不该嘲弄宗教。
73 、He is a disciple of religion.───他是宗教信徒。
74 、She is indifferent to the new religion.───她对那种新宗教漠不关心。
75 、It's not against any other religion and it's not against science.─── 它不排斥其他宗教 也不反科学
76 、Their interest localized on the subject of religion.───他们的兴趣集中在宗教问题上。
77 、His religion forbids the eating of meat.───他的宗教信仰禁止他吃肉。
78 、He married outside his religion.───他和不同宗教信仰的人结了婚。
79 、Aren''t you a religion or a rival to religion?───你们是否宗教或宗教的竞争者?
80 、You know, more people have been killed in the name of religion than any other cause on earth, and yet religion hides that violence in the language of peace, so we arewe're gonna show the world the truth.─── 这世上因宗教之名而遇害的人 比因为其他原因而死的人要多 而宗教却以和平之言掩盖其暴力的一面 我们就是要向世人昭示真相
81 、The pursuit of success was a religion to him.───他一心追求的就是成功。
82 、You can pull a long face and scold people into religion.───你可以拉长脸教训人们皈依宗教。
83 、She practices her religion piously.───她是一个虔诚的宗教信奉者
84 、How do religion and philosophy link up ?───宗教和哲学如何联系?
85 、For theirs is the same religion as ours.───因为它们有着与我们相似的信仰。
86 、The new religion was to embrace the whole of India.───后来这新教传遍了全印度。
87 、I know. If you need to talk about religion and you shouldn't talk about religion just say you're struggling.─── 我知道 如果你需要谈到信仰 你其实不该谈论信仰问题 就说你在挣扎
88 、He renounced his religion and became a Muslim .───他弃绝自己的宗教成为穆斯林。
89 、A "World Religion" may emerge in the next century.───下世纪也许会出现“世界教”。
90 、Don't sneer at their religion.───不要嘲笑他们的宗教。
religion形容词形式为religious,意思为“宗教的、笃信宗教的、虔诚的”。例句:His wife is very religious.(他的妻子非常虔诚)religious考查形容词的用法.根据句子结构可知,此处应与后面的some seasonal结构相同,所以应用religion的形容词形式,故填religious.