continence 发音
英:['kɒntɪnəns] 美:['kɑntɪnəns]
英: 美:
continence 中文意思翻译
continence 网络释义
n. 自制,克制;节欲(尤指禁欲)
continence 短语词组
1、continence care ─── 节制护理
2、continence aid ─── 助控器
3、continence solaray ─── 日光节制
4、continence chinese ─── 中国人的节制
5、continence pants ─── 自制裤
6、continence means ─── 节制意味着
7、urinary continence ─── [医] 排尿节制
8、fecal continence ─── [医] 排便节制
9、continence medical term ─── 节制医学术语
10、continence clinic ─── 失禁门诊
continence 词性/词形变化,continence变形
名词复数: contingencies |形容词: contin-gency |
continence 相似词语短语
1、continuance ─── n.持续;停留;续篇;诉讼延期
2、contingence ─── n.接触;相切;偶然性(等于contingency);意外事件;可能发生的附带事件
3、connivence ─── n.纵容;默许
4、contingences ─── n.接触;相切;偶然性(等于contingency);意外事件;可能发生的附带事件
5、contingency ─── n.可能发生的事;偶发事件;不能确定的事件;应急措施;应急储备;应急开支;可能性,偶然性;不测,意外;胜诉酬金;adj.应变的
6、continent ─── n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的
7、confidence ─── n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的
8、incontinence ─── n.[医]失禁;无节制;不能自制
9、continency ─── n.贞操;节制
continence 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Analysis on the Constrained Regularization Inversing CONTIN Algorithm in Particle Sizing[J]. ─── 引用该论文 喻雷寿,杨冠玲,何振江,李仪芳.
2、Seven of the nine with spina bifida saw 'marked improvement. ' One of them was a 'home run, ' a girl who achieved complete continence. ─── 九名脊柱裂患者中,有七名的手术结果为‘显著改善’。他们之中的一名是一个女孩,她的结果是
3、Keywords urinary continence;innervation;urethral sphincter;immunohistochemitry; ─── 控尿;神经支配;尿道括约肌;免疫组织化学;
4、"Nevertheless, patients may not want invasive therapy during this early period and therefore it usually takes one year to achieve normal continence. ─── 然而,患者在此阶段可能不愿意接受侵入式治疗,因此往往需经过1年的时间才可恢复正常排尿功能。
5、digital compression and coding of contin ─── 彩色静止图像标准
6、At the same time, should train the talent, make out the training and management measurement of the excellent talents and their education after graduate and contin... ─── 同时,要狠抓人才培养,制定优秀人才的培养和管理措施,搞好毕业后教育和继续医学教育,造就跨世纪的优秀科技人才,以科研和人才优势带动妇幼保健机构发展。
7、Impact of function in continence of female lower urinary tract in nulliparous women during the late third trimester pregnancy ─── 妊娠对初产女性下尿路尿控功能影响的研究
8、Objective To compare the efficacy, side-effects of transdermal fentanyl (Durogesic) and MS contin for the treatment of moderate or severe cancer pain. ─── 摘要目的:比较芬太尼透皮贴剂(商品名为多瑞吉)与美施康定控制癌痛的疗效和副作用。
9、sr. rf system designerdept.:h/w rnd support job purpose:you will join a team that strives for contin... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:3-5年|职位类型:全职|公司规模:100-499人
10、Position: Purchasing Manager1) Reports to director of Supply Chain-Great China.2) Lead the team to assure contin...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海瑜亮人力资源开发有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-12
11、Keywords criminal procedure;modestly restriction;continence;compromise;tolerance; ─── 刑事诉讼;谦抑;克制;妥协;宽容;
12、continence zone ─── 控制带
13、Our business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care and wound and skin care. ─── 我们产品主要涉及造口护理、泌尿及失禁护理、伤口及皮肤护理三大领域。
14、Abnormal bladder continence ─── 异常膀胱节制
15、Keywords Constipation;Xinjiahuanglong Decoction;MS Contin;Chinese Medicine and Drug;Curative Effect analysis; ─── 便秘;新加黄龙汤;美施康定;中医药疗法;疗效分析;
16、Functional continence magnetic stimulation FMS ─── 报道应用连续磁刺激
17、Female urinary injury continence ─── 女性控尿机制损伤
18、Nere-sparing prostatectomy, designed to presere potency and urinary continence, introduced. ─── 发明旨在保留性功能和预防尿失禁的神经保留前列腺切除术.
19、The government must keep steel continence before the living world, and she must lead the development of the living world too. ─── 因而,政府必须在生活世界面前保持坚强的自制,又必须卓越地领导生活世界的发展。
20、Coloplast has three product areas: Urology and continence care products, Ostomy products and Dressings for the treatment of chronic wounds and skin care products. ─── 产品主要涉及造口护理泌尿及失禁护理伤口及皮肤护理三大领域。
21、In this paper it is analyzed the solution method of the software CONTIN,so that more users know how to use it and interpret the results from data processing reasonably. ─── 为了使日益增多的用户能更好地使用CONTIN软件,并合理地解释其数据处理的结果,本文对CONTIN软件的求解方法进行了详细地分析,扼要地介绍了正则解的概念。
22、Methods 81 patients with moderate or severe cancer pain were randomly divided into two groups, 46 in group Durogesic, 51 in group MS contin. ─── 方法:81例患者随机分为两组,多瑞吉组43例,美施康定组38例,分别就其疗效、生活质量改善情况以及不良反应等方面进行评价。
23、After releasing white smoke of SO2 decomposed by H2SO4, enhance the firepower properply and contin ue to digest until digest solution is clear pale cyan . ─── 待硫酸开始分解并放出SO2白烟后,适当加强火力,继续消化,直至消化液呈透明淡绿色为止。
24、Using univariate, multivariate, survival analysis and proportional odds model, we retrospectively examined risk factors associated with continence return in these patients. ─── 吾人使用单变项,多变项,存活分析并危险比例模式回溯分析所有收集的资料及变项,并进一步检视摄护腺根除术病患造成禁尿回复延后的危险因子。
25、Objective: To observe the effect of sitz bath with continence Chinese herbal fumigant on patients with mixed hemorrhoid surgery. ─── 目的:观察混合痔患者应用术后薰洗方坐浴的治疗效果。
26、urinary continence ─── [医] 排尿节制
27、During the last decade, knowledge of neural pathways involved in micturition and continence has been greatly expanded.This review will summarize results from recent animal and human experiments. ─── 最近十年来,关于储尿和排尿神经通路的研究已获丰硕成果,为此作者作一简要综述。
28、Clinical observation on the analgesic effects of MS Contin after thoracotomy ─── 剖胸术后美施康定镇痛效果的临床观察
29、The continence mechanism of a narrowed ileal conduit without traversing a tunnel: an experimental study in pigs ─── 直接吻合的膀胱小口径回肠输出道的尿动力学研究
30、Continence also has a limit, it won't be a virtue if exceeded. ─── 克制也有个限度,超过了限度就不再是美德。
31、Characteristics of urinary continence mechanisms of the lower urinary tract in late pregnancy ─── 晚期妊娠妇女下泌尿道尿控的特点
32、7. Continence is the foe of heresy. ─── 克制是异端邪说的敌人。
33、* She vowed to lead a life of continence. ─── *她发誓要领导一个生活的节制。
34、Techniques of sparing or reconstructing the puboprostatic ligaments and support of the bladder are eoling in efforts to improe continence results. ─── 保留神经技术或重建耻骨前列腺韧带以及支持膀胱可带来膀胱排尿可控性。
35、"The practice of Dhamma, the practice of continence, mastery of this is said to be best if a person has gone forth from home to the homeless life. ─── 人们说,即使对于从有家到无家的出家人,法行和梵行也是最高的理想。
36、At the convent , Connie vowed to lead a life of continence . The question was , could Connie be content with always being continent ? ─── 在修道院,康妮起誓要过一种清心寡欲的生活。问题是,康妮对永远禁欲会甘心情愿吗?。
37、"To be able to realize God, one must practise absolute continence. ─── “为了能够认识神,必须要练习绝对的自制。
38、Summers RB.The osteotome technique:Part 4-Future site development[J].Compend Contin Educ Dent,1995,16 (11):1080,1092,1099. ─── 林野,王兴,邱立信,等.上颌窦提升植骨及同期种植体植入术[J].中华口腔医学杂志,1998,33:326-328.
39、Keywords urinary continence;videourodynamic study;biofeedback;electric stimulate;waveform display; ─── 尿失禁;尿动力学;生物反馈;电刺激;液晶;肌电信号;波形显示;
40、Criteria for the ideal treatment option for failed endodontics: surgical or nonsurgical?Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2007 Jun; ─── 2、至于你对我提出的根尖开口大小的数据来源,可以参考文献Karabucak B, Setzer F.
41、Objective To study the analgesia in advanced cancer with Ms contin and its toxicity. ─── 目的研究美施康定对晚期癌症的镇痛效果及副作用。
42、Child continence training ─── 儿童[排尿]节制训练
43、You can choose as per your continence. ─── 您可以选择按您的节制。
44、This paper introduced a following technicque.The problem of contin uously measuring the material level in a wide range using a point radiation source can be solved perfectly with this technique. ─── 介绍了一种随动跟踪技术,采用该技术的核子料位计较好地解决了利用点辐射源进行大量程连续物位测量的问题。
45、Mathur and Rani Rasmani began to ascribe the mental ailment of Sri Ramakrishna in part, at least, to his observance of rigid continence. ─── 马图尔和拉妮罗曼妮开始把室利罗摩克里希纳的行为部分地归咎于精神病,至少他会有严格的自制。
46、enoma continence catheter ─── 灌肠节制导管
47、continence clinic ─── 理遗诊所
48、Actie continence is achieed by oluntary contraction of the leator ani musculature, which surrounds the apex of the prostate and membranous urethra. ─── 前列腺尖部和膜部周围的提肛肌的主动收缩可以导致主动性控尿。
49、MASTER (to Mahima): "What I said about aspirants practising continence is true. Without chastity one cannot assimilate these teachings. " ─── 师父(对玛希玛)说:“我说求道者练习自制是真的。没有了纯洁,就不能吸收这些教导。”
50、Coloplast has three product areas: Urology and continence care products, Ostomy products and Dressings for the treatment of chronic wounds and skin care products. ─── 产品主要涉及造口护理、泌尿及失禁护理、伤口及皮肤护理三大领域。
51、The structure and the main functions of electrical automatic control system of super - low head contin uous caster in No. 2 Steel - making Plant of Tianjin Tiangang Group Co. ─── 介绍了天钢二炼钢厂超低头板坯连铸机电气自动控制系统构成主要功能。
52、But that muscle can't maintain continence on its own. ─── 但是,肌肉不能维持自身的可控。
53、The Application of the Soft Reduction Controlled by PLC on the Contin uouslyCasting Small Square Machine ─── PLC控制下轻压下系统在小方坯连铸机上的应用
54、Absence of bladder continence ─── 无膀胱节制
55、The morbidity of control group was much higher (30.0%) and none of them got continence colostomy. ─── 对照组各种并发症的发生率为30.0%,无1例病人有排便感。
56、Continence mechanism ─── 控尿机制
57、Research outline and continence measures of the female stress urinary incontinence ─── 女性压力性尿失禁的研究概况与节制措施
58、The graphic sequence began with the decapitation by handsaw, contin ued with the triumphant display of the bleeding head, and ended with the wife, her head restored, thanking the audience for its applause. ─── 图画的顺序是这样的,第一张是用锯子砍头,下一张是得意的展示血淋淋的脑袋,最后一张是他的脑袋复原以后的妻子在感谢观众的掌声。
59、They must take the vow of absolute continence and eschew all thought of greed and lust. ─── 他们必须发誓要绝对禁欲,避开所有贪婪和欲望的想法。
60、Keywords Stress urinary in continence;Operative surgery; ─── 压力性尿失禁;外科手术;
61、MASTER (to Mahima): "What I said about aspirants practising continence is true. Without chastity one cannot assimilate these teachings. ─── 师父(对玛希玛)说:“我说求道者练习自制是真的。没有了纯洁,就不能吸收这些教导。”
62、A case of acute cerebropathy syndrome induced by DHC Contin ─── 双克因致急性脑病综合征1例
63、Using MS Contin of Different Dosage in the Beginning of Cancer ─── 不同剂量的美施康定用于癌痛病人起始阶段的观察
64、Improvement of continence by laparoscopic reconstructive radical prostatectomy ─── 控尿技术在腹腔镜前列腺癌根治术中的应用
65、Since the CONTIN algorithm has no capability to adjust the inverse range automatically, the accuracy of results from CONTIN is not satisfied. ─── 目前通用的CONTIN算法尚没有自动调整反演范围的能力,反演质量还有待提高。
66、A randomized and double-blind clinical trial of the analgesic effect of controlledrelease morphine sulphate(MS contin tablets.CRMS)against moderate and severe intensity of pain in cancer patients was carried out in several hospitals. ─── 应用硫酸吗啡控释片(CRMS)对晚期癌症伴有中、重度疼痛患者进行镇痛效果观察。
67、Rectal continence ─── 直肠节制
68、Lola's continence in the face of such a lavish and indulgent environment is commendable. ─── 面对如此多奢侈和放纵的环境,罗拉的自制值得赞扬。
69、We obtain three theorems on singular contin uo us spectrum of selfadjoint operators,which generalize some recent important resu lts of Barry Simon. ─── 本文建立了自伴算子奇异连续谱的三个定理,它们推广了Barry Simon近期所获得的一些重要结果.
70、Central pathways controlling for urinary continence and micturition ─── 储尿和排尿的中枢性控制
71、fecal continence ─── [医] 排便节制
72、Assist in the promotion of continence. ─── 协助促进节制。
73、Objective To study the effect and adverse reaction of sustained-release morphine sulfate tablets(MS contin) for advanced cancer pain. ─── 目的观察美施康定(硫酸吗啡缓释片)对中晚期癌症患者治疗的疗效及毒副反应。
74、An observation of 192 advanced cancer patients treated with MS contin for pain relief ─── 192例晚期癌症病人美施康定止痛临床观察
75、Notice how continence is linked to resurrection, so the avoidance of sex is directly linked to the resurrection of the body in this text. ─── 注意自制与复活联系在一起,在这篇文章中,避开性事,直接与身体的复活相联系。
76、The third contin uum,which centers at 240nm,is obtained by electron beam pumping argon(0.3MPa). ─── 利用该电子束装置泵浦0 .3MPa的氩气 ,获得了中心位于 2 4 0nm氩的第 3谱带。
77、Effect of nerve-sparing cystectomy on postoperative continence after orthotopic bladder substitution ─── 保留神经的全膀胱切除术对盲结肠代膀胱控尿功能的影响
78、Using Pulsatile Pressure Saline/Antibiotic Irrigation, Betts N. et al. Compendium Contin Educa Dent, 17 (9): 871 1996. ─── 在很多骨科、外科及牙科的研究报告都证实,在不同领域中使用脉动式盐水冲洗的功效.
79、11. The government must keep steel continence before the living world, and she must lead the development of the living world too. ─── 因而,政府必须在生活世界面前保持坚强的自制,又必须卓越地领导生活世界的发展。
80、Keywords artificial anal sphincter fecal continence bowel-restrained pressure; ─── 关键词人工泵式括约肌;节制排便;肠管约束压;
81、She vowed to lead a life of continence. ─── 她发誓要领导一个生活的节制。
82、Urinary Incontinence and Overactive Bladder - The Perspective of the Continence Nurse in the US ─── 尿失禁与膀胱过动:美国专业失禁看护
83、Keywords Female urinary injury continence;Anatomic anterior exenteration; ─── 女性控尿机制损伤;前盆腔脏器清除术;
84、There was significant difference in the continence and the occurrence of the complications between the two groups (P
85、wrinary in continence ─── 尿失禁
86、The clinical investigation of improving continence after radical prostatectomy ─── 提高前列腺癌根治术后尿控能力的临床研究
87、The traditional cumulant analysis is only suitable for single particle case,and existing numerical methods such as NNLS and CONTIN,etc,have poor accuracy when dealing with the multiple particle case. ─── 传统的积累分析法只对单一颗粒分布适用,而对多颗粒分布的非负约束最小二乘法及CONTIN方法等计算精度又太差。
88、Continence has a limit and it will not be a virtue if it goes beyond. ─── 1克制也有个限度,超过了限度就不再是美德。